
Showing posts from June, 2019

Building Bridges Between Factions

Here's the talk I gave to the Philadelphia FIGHT Prevention Summit when receiving the Kiyoshi Award, on June 11, 2019. You can comment below. Comments will be moderated for relevance, which means addressing the problem of polarization, not trying to score points for one side or the other. Kiyoshi Kuromiya, a hero and model to so many people, was born in prison - an internment camp where Japanese Americans were confined in World War II. He accomplished much, including introducing people with AIDS to computers. And his testimony in a Supreme Court case likely stopped a Federal law that would have made it a felony to publish explicit AIDS prevention information online. I published AIDS Treatment News for 20 years. Now I'm 78, and started a site on healthy aging, . But something else is important today. Look at the state of the world, the whole world. It's not good, the viciousness and factions. Clueless elites confront distressed populations. B